The Changes From Bierville_b5 to DOD_Bierville (The Final Version) + Made Compatible for 1.0 + Vast texture overhaul (95% of textures changed) + First pub on allied side moved opposite where it was, and then rebuilt. + Axis Spawn rebuilt into something that is better than 1 minutes work + Better Anti-Spawn camping methods (well it was hard enough before, i think its nigh-impossible now) + Few More houses opened up. + New route(s) added underneath town + Pub Capture text moved to top of screen for less distraction (Green/Red colour coded too!) + British Team Replaces Americans (British make better beer :P ) + Falling Snow! + Model Trees instead of brush based ones + Model furniture in houses to make then look much better than before. + New Allied and Axis Win Music (Names are The Great Escape Theme (Allied Win) and Handel- Sarabande (Axis) + New Allied And Axis Icons + New "Official Style" Overview Map. + New Nighttime Sky + A Bit lighter to reflect the sky. + Rebuilt many buildings to look like buildings not cubes with textures + Added a "proper" road through town that looks better than what it was. + Lowered wpoly in many places. Still high down the main street.