*Day Of Defeat* ==================== map: dod_alps (VERSION 1) location: Northern Italy by Jabbo (prinzvalium@smp-clan.de) The Italian Campaign (final battles) 9th April 1945 1230 time *ALLIES***BRIEFING* Rome fell on 4th June 1944 and since our offensives last year failed to achieve clear results, we now finally attack the german armys across Ferrara and you and your squad will be part of a simutaniously amphibious operation through the Lake Comacchio. When you are through it is your objective to secure the terrain and take the german stronghold !!! We must finally get control over this territory !!! Since our offensives have started this morning, we have no sign of your squad commander. Keep your eyes open and bring him back if you can !!! PRIMARY OBJECTIVES : SECONDARY OBJECTIVE : -Clear the territory and -Find the lost Commander capture the enemy base !!! and bring him back to our -Defend our supply line supply line !!! from the germans !!! -There are 4 control points you need to capture!!! *AXIS***BRIEFING* Nachdem Fall gothischen Linie und der noch nicht fertiggestellten Verteidigungslinien Albert und Arno kam der Feind letztes Jahr doch zu einem Halt. Wir konnten dem Feind herbe Verluste zufuegen, doch wir befuerchten schon seit laengerem, dass die alliierten Armeen bei besseren Witterungsbedingungen ihren Vormarsch wiederaufnehemen koennten. Unser Befehl heisst "DURCHHALTEN"!!! Wir wissen dass sich der Feind schwer tut sein Geraet in den Bergen schnell voranzubringen, also haben wir vielleicht gute Chancen unser Gebiet vor einem feindlichen Durchbruch zu bewahren!!! Hauptziele : Nebenziele : -Der Feind ist im Vormarsch, -Es liegen Verwundete herum, sichern und saeubern Sie vielleicht schafft Ihr das Gelaende, um den feindlichen es welche zu retten... Durchbruch zu verhindern !!! -Es gibt 4 Kontrollpunkte zu sichern !!! MAPPER NOTES !!! -all prefabs built by myself (if you like it and want to copy e.g. the tank, please give me some credits for that in your map-textfile) -build time until Version 1 (with prefabs) -> 2-3 weeks (mapping is a progress) -compile time (450PIII/192MB) -> faster than 45 minutes -next version release -> long long long in the future SPECIAL THANKS TO : -The DOD-TEAM (for their crazy mod)(and their wad-files I have used) !!! -The SMP-CLAN (for testing maps and having good ideas) specially: Todesangst, Skunkhigh, Rainer, Sushi, MadMisterMuschi !!! -Anyone else, who gives some serious feedback about this map to my email. Greetings 2 all of u !!! Jabbo (www.smp-clan.de)