Avanti - Invade and defend Objective: Allies start as the attacker. Axis team starts as the defender. The attacking team starts at the bottom of the hill and must take control of the town by moving uphill and taking control of Command Points sequentially. The defending team simply tries to hold out as long as they can. Once the attackers succeed, teams swap, and play begins again. Command Points are captured by taking the flag from the previous point and carrying it to the next. When a Command Point is secured, the flag required to capture the next Command Point becomes available on top of it. For example, the flag needed to capture Command Point 3 will always spawn at Command Point 2. Dropped flags return after 90 seconds. Scoring: Attacking team - 10 points per Command Point captured. Defending team - Points are awarded over time for defending the Church. Avanti ported and edited by .:T:.MR. White BIO*. The map itself has not been altered in any way, only the entities have been changed to support DoD. Credits: Whitewolf - Sky Special Thanks: Oribit