-=dod_breville=-Map by Andrew "Tovanen" Orman July 1944. The Allies have landed at Normandy and are pushing their way through France, displacing the Germans as they head inland. Capture and control of port towns is vital to the Allies to ensure safe landings for supplies and reinforcements. Breville is such a port town. Allied Objectives: Take control of all the capture points to hold the town. Axis Objectives: Take control and defend the town at any cost. Note that the Factory, Blue House, Grey House and Le Stendahl all require two men and 12 seconds to capture. Anti-spawn-skiller hurt_triggers are active! ------------------------------------ Map by Andrew "Tovanen" Orman http://www.geocities.com/tovanen ******@******.*** ------------------------------------ Textures by Kamikaze from his Kami-platinum wad. Thanks to Adam for the historical background and name "Breville". ======================================= Map Packaged For DoD 1.0 By Houston DoD http://www.houstondod.com