DOD_CLERVAUX3b BY [95th]SAVARD NOTE: this map will have a NEW NAME in beta 4. the map will also have BRIT troops. MAP Three flags in the map are capture areas that require TWO people, the second and fifth flags will trigger advancing spawns for both sides. THE MORTARS in the spawn areas can fire shells into the centre town area they can be fired every five seconds. i thought i would put this in as an option to help fight off the flag capture. THANKS-to my wife for letting me sit in front of my computer for DAYS on end and always supporting my projects. -to the [95th]RIFLES clan for supporting my work and beta testing the ENDLESS versions of this map : ) -SPECIAL THANKS to [95th]THUNDERSTORM for working closely on this project and testing everything (everthing!)with me. -SPECIAL THANKS to [95th]MAXSCHECK for kicking my BUTT into gear and getting this out to you all. -to SGT_SLAGG at Kustom Kettle for hosting my map and trouble shooting with the files,playtesting,feeding my cats, doing my dishes,washing my wait, thats my wife again! -Rotkopf , whoopy42, and the rest of the guys at for the short notice playtesting, trouble shooting and map hosting. -to GermanKilla for playtesting and troubleshooting and putting up with me! -Textures: Kamikazi, Mikezilla, xerent thank you all, and i hope you have fun.=========================================== Map Packaged For DoD 1.0 By Houston DoD