******************************** DOD_COLOGNE_ALTSTADT******************************** After over 1000 bombs fell over Cologne a few axis still try to re-assume the townhall of cologne. There are seven flags to capture the Cologne oldtown AXIS: Try to save the townhall before its too late! Allies: The townhall is too important to get lost so defend it at any cost! CREDITS TexTures by: Marc Schoeder (visit and play his amazing mod @ www.poke646.com) h&k from www.invasionworks.com xerent Mikezilla the guys from anzio.wad and some texture are made by J69L MoDels by: mortar model by h&k/ jeep model faesser model badewannen model schrank model/ radio model by FLOMATIC Sounds: background sound edited by me Music: written and composed by me big thanks for all the ppl who developed this amazing game THX to ALL without your work I could'nt have done that! If you are missing your name here plz let me know have big fun in my little fun area ;-) but you have to search for it .... :::AND ALWAYS DRINK KOELSCH::: ------------------------------------- Made By J69L mail: devotee69@web.de also visit: www.dayofdefeat.com/ www.poke646.com/ www.invasionworks.com/ www.kgb-clan.com