*dod_controversy Beta One---Princeton (capwill2012@gmail.com) *skymap "Deserted Skybox"---Jayson 'TheBeast' Dehn (superman6t6@hotmail.com) *Original concepts: TheHunter (creator of dod_hunting_b3); Bait (Baaaiiiiiit!!!) Circa 1940-1941 Cyrenaica--Undocumented assaults. British soldiers are raiding a borderline town in Cyrenaica. Control is indeterminant between the Allies and Axis, and conflict is due. Objective: Raiding/Territory control. Hold the capture points long enough to assert dominance over the town and opposing forces. Your squad/platoon cannot remain in the area long enough, or severe reprehension will take place. Control over the entire town by either Allies or Axis will set your duty at rest, until the plundering of the town resets. Changes: -Middle flag is now 3rd on HUD -Spawnpoint fix so players are able to jump out