*Dod_Cr44_b3* ==================== Crossing Road 1944 by [SDG]V2SW2 (V2SW2@siekommen.com) Important note:this is only the updated cr44_b2 for dodb2. 20 june 1944,The battle for Normandy started and Allies take little by little control of the bocage,also known as "the green hell". Allies: A crucial bridge to transport vehicles is in the small town of Falaise. The capture of this bridge will allow the transport of all the materiel which we need to advance. Axis: The destruction of the first bridge enabled us to minimize the chances that the allies forces enter the area but they are now trying to capture the second to allow their forces to progress towards the interior. Push them outside the city. Textures by [SDG]V2SW2,Masako,xerent Included: fabulous greenery and tree stuff by xerent! Special Thanks to: very big thx to Technical (technicalfr@free.fr)for all his german truck prefab. Lymf from dod-europe for last compile :P (lymf@dod-europe.com) @lternativ and all the ]SK-Fr[ clan for their suggestions Tony,JetSeb,Robert da SnipAh!,The_Jack200,all the ppl from #sk.fr,Hannibal the 1K frag man! the [SDG] folks (TyrantII,Integrate,Holeman,Phish,Sentry,Chow_yun_Fat),StraT,Sector-Effector,NightShade,DivisjonMarduk and all the ppl who play DoD. visit www.dodfrance.com and www.dod-europe.com