Crossing Roads
Heavily updated by Craftos, original map (dod_cr44_b3) by KominAaa.

21 june 1944,The battle for Normandy in on and Allies take little by little 
control of the bocage, also known as "the green hell". They have to secure 
all places important for transport of supplies further to interior of France.

Allies: A crucial roads meet in this small town. Capture and control bridges 
along with the town to help our transports.

Axis: Defend the city. It contains bridges important for Allies' transports. 
Without them Allies will advance slower and our troops will have time to 
regroup and setup more defences.

Note: Use TNT to blow barricades near gates. It takes 7 seconds. 
From bridge's side it requires two charges. From enemy's side just one.

Textures by KominAaa, Absolut vodka, kleinluka, Kamikazi, Blazeer, Xerent.
Models by Flo-matic, H&K, Tolchok, TheDoenerKing, DoD team.
Original layout by KominAaa
Sky by me.
Waypoints by Godcha.

Updated version A.