*Day Of Defeat* ==================== DoD_Crete By [907th]Babulugats aka DommeR Objectives: March 13 1943. Preparations are complete for the retaking of the Island of Crete. Allies: Your mission is to seize this small village which serves as the main mountain crossroads for German supplies. Due to the remote location of the village and its distance inland, shore bombardment of the area was not available. Axis: Keeping this small village could prove a vital key in repelling the Allied invasion that is spreading like wildfire throughout the Medittaranean and North African fronts. Cretian airbases are key to keeping pressure on Allied forces and the Suez canal. Thanks: Big thanks to the entire 907th for their support of the map, individual thanks to Heinrichi, Gazinuk, Holmes, Marshall, and VRKN. Thanks to Feedbag, HarsH, and UnReal for their continued support. And thanks to everyone who took a sec to check out and play my map. Textures: Mighty Pete, Sean Johnston, Crista Forest, Kamikazi Posters from Inflatablewoman's propaganda spray site Models by: Agent 0,h&k team,Capt.Glimsharp Key model and sound from dod_seg3 by Kamikazi, sprite by myself For any questions/comments/ideas/suggestions email donzg@ptdprolog.net ============================================ Map Packaged For DoD 3.1 beta By Houston DoD http://www.houstondod.com