dod_dani_b3 by StreamlineData site: email: release date: July 16th, 2005 Beta 2 release: July 21st, 2005 Beta 3 release: August 1st, 2005 Story ======== A quiet town in France has been captured by the Axis powers and has been a vacation spot for centuries. The Allies must take it back because informants think that there are large weapons hidden somewhere in the city. Release Notes ======== In the beta 3 release. I have made approximately 10 changes/fixes. Hopefully they'll still keep an even balance between the two sides (full list of changes is in the Changelog below). + Thanks to: Guranga for the inspiration. My best friend, Dani (for who this map is named after) for the idea. Everybody for their feedback (good and bad) so far. + The map is currently in beta testing. So if anyone finds any bugs, PLEASE email me at .. Thanks! Changelog ======== 01.08.05 - Beta 3 + Added ambient sound + Added sounds to other places + Added "blocks" on top of roofs + Changed view distance to 15,000 + Changed sandbag models + Changed/Flipped allied car onto other side + Changed lighting in some buildings + Replaced some boxes by allied spawn with ramps + Reverted the placement of the rope in the bell tower 21.07.05 - Beta 2 + Changed the position of the stairs to the church bell tower from the back of the building to (near) the front + Changed the view distance from 4038 to 4500 + Changed the height of some invisible walls + Changed pos. of inv walls on church room [so Allies can't (as 4THIDUSA so aptly put it) "rape" the Axis] + Fixed black models (except for one - Allied sandbags - which, I have no idea how to fix atm). + Fixed overview + Fixed windows (less see-through, more foggy) + Fixed texture misalignment at very corner of house on by 1st Allied flag + Fixed spawn entrances to provide more warning and penalty + Fixed spawning facing walls + Added a "tree wall" to the roof of the church + Added an entrance to "building with no entrance" by the Allied 2nd flag + Added more breakable windows in buildings + Added MG point infront of the Axis spawn (like the Allies) + Added MG points in building across Axis spawn + Added MG building near Allied 1st flag (like the original) + Added MG point near Axis 2nd flag + Added more models around the map + Added sandbags at the start streets by both 1st flags + Added more obstructions to the open streets 16.07.05 - Beta 1 + Map released Thanks for playing/testing this map!