DUSTY a CS PORT to DOD AXIS capture the flags Allied Capture the flags have fun!!! Thanks to kami, dodforum, seg3 and classic klien for textures. Family for understanding, =[Vp]= for support victoryparty.net and houstondod.com for hosting! Thank you for trying dod_dusty this is a conversion for dod by BulletWhole Hope you like it...I appologize about the textures, I usually texture maps while I build them. This was made quickly and with lots of Foldgers(c) coffee! comments with dusty in subject line to sculptors1@hotmail.com ****** Original .txt I felt obligated to include Thank you DAVEJ!!!!! ****** Dust II *** GameHelper.com exclusive *** by DaveJ (dv@btinternet.com) Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists from bombing chemical weapon crates. Team members must defuse any bombs that threaten targeted areas. Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the C4 must destroy one of the chemical weapon stashes. Other Notes: There are 2 chemical weapon stashes in the mission. ======================================= Map Packaged For DoD 1.0 By Houston DoD http://www.houstondod.com