---dod_edge--- story line: 15 decembre 1944, the Germans are about to launch a massive offensive in the Ardense forest. Before they actually launch it, they send paratroopers behind enemy lines to take control of a bridge. The German paratroopers are being dropped behind the town in an open field. The day before American soldiers secured the town and putted their defenses in the woods. So now the town is unsecured, the American got to get back to their original positions to prevent the Germans from capturing the town and securing the bridge so the tanks can come over. Allied objectives: Capture all 5 points Axis objectives: Capture all 5 poins Notes: -The bridge is a capture area wich requires 2 people to cap. -Each team has 2 rocket weapons to create shortcuts in the map. -Anti-spawn protection is active! Credits: Quaker(Caz__@hotmail.com) for making the map textures: mikezilla, xerent, kami, masako, kleinluka, raate.wad, S-Bolt-- models: flomatic, lovemeister and dod team Special thanks to Cypher and the #-=|NM|=- crew for testing my map on their clan server. Special thanks to all the betatesters(sorry guys, forgot your names, were to many ;) thanks a lot!!). Special thanks to InK. for a lot of nice ideas!