Repacked and ready to do for DoD v1.0 [OwP] Mike's Maruders!! *Day Of Defeat* ========================= Grubbenvorst "fight for survival" by [Pizza] Monkey Boy ALLIES - Objective: Capture all flags up to the Axis bunker, pushing them from the vilage of Grubbenvorst. Allies have come to their last safe point on the river and have to fight through an enemy occupied village. Reach and secure the train depot and destroy Axis strongholds, was the generals order! The first bunker was hard to get. Many casualties and loss of men, but the second bunker will be even harder to reach! That's when recruits come in (meaning YOU). So gear up and join the battle. Disembark and fight your way uptown. AXIS - Objective: Capture all flags up to the Allied bunker, repelling the allies back into the river. Axis were enjoying their stay in this peaceful little town and were not prepared for attack. The enemy is hitting hard and closing in fast. The last thing Axis forces could do was hold stand and hold the town till reinforcements are coming in (that's YOU). Pick up your grenades and join the battle. Prepare for battle and hold your ground. Notes: - Avoid the artillery bombardment by listening for the direction of incoming shells and taking cover. - If you over spawn camp, you will get what you deserve. Credits: Textures by Jasp [Shrike], Myself and David Johnston I also used things from the avalanche wad and cstrike wad and russian front wad Sturmbot Waypoints by Jasp [Shrike] ( Custom sounds and sprites by me! Many Models by H&K I do not know where i got the sandbag from, but thanks to whoever made it! Thanks to all the members of the 153rd that helped me test this map III_Demon, Hemo, Sowell, Mepheiz and 8@5t@rd