Map Name: DoD_Panzer Version : Beta 2 Author : Instacrome Contact : ----------------------- Textures: Kamikazi!, some from the cr44 wad Models : H&K for his tanks Agent-O for his document model *Objectives: *ALLIES: Primary: Take control of the city. Secondary: Destroy the immobilized tank that is near the town hall. The tank crew has escaped, and it is safe to blow up the tank with some TNT. *AXIS: Primary: Take control of the city. Secondary: Find the Allied command headquarters and steal the documents there. The headquarters has been abandoned for some time now, but you might have to use TNT to breach into it. Recon reports that it might be located in a basement. *NOTES: Keep your head down Look for cover Watch out for snipers and hidden MG positions. ----------------------- Thanks to : Erlend for creative criticism Rozdower for some pointers The fluffy bunny for keeping an eye on me Bish0p for being a freaky kraut Bla bla : Hope you enjoy my second DoD map. If you have suggestions, ideas or comments, please send them to