DAY OF DEFEAT ---------------------------------------------------- dod_Ramelle_B04 ---------------------------------------------------- NOTE: this is a sharing of work in progress still alot can and will be changed. made by:[iNw]IR allies: the axis are comming...we gotta hold that bridge till the next group comes along axis: we got to get a hold of that bridge to secure the retreat from Normandie textures:WIZZARD! kamikaze,masako and others who made the dod wads credits: tiger.mld: UNknown contact me and i will put your name on this spot fog6.spr:waldo phono:unknown contact me so i can put your name on this place special thx: wizzard: thx u are great if ur not so lazy al the time :D hk: thx man Recon: u are my goeroe dim: thx for helping me with some off the settings Inw team: thx i luv u all H&k feces miller reiben deep blue dim reaper wizzard want fuzzdad (warewind) recon notes: this is a beta release of a map being made things 2 expect in the next versions: more details more open houses layout closer 2 the real ramelle all new texture made by wizzard invasionworks 2001/2002 ENJOY !!!! :D