-=dod_reign_b2=-Map by the 17th Panzer Grenadiers Bitche, France 1945 After fighting its way up the Rhone Valley, the 100th Div. had liberated Bitche, beginning in Dec, 1944, from the Germans. The next day, these two modest, soft-spoken vets took the 100th Div. around Bitche, describing events that had occurred from 1-7 Jan. 1945 during the last desperate German offensive of the war, Operation Nordwind. Three German divisions, led by the 17th Panzer Grenadiers, sought to encircle the 100th. The Germans where counterattacking, and his alarming successes began to fill the news broadcasts. Following the truths came the fiction and with the fiction came the alarm. Powerful tank thrusts, air invasions, heavy artillery. Those first days in the Bitche area were for many the worst of the war. The fact that the Germans were really on the offensive was fully substantiated. Snow lay deep on the hard frozen ground, and the ominous, non-directional sounds of armor echoed through the splintered woods and hollows. Dawn found the situation critical in many sectors. After three days of fierce fighting, the Germans were finally repulsed and driven north of Bitche. Objective: Capture all four control points to win. Design by CK|RSteiner http://www.dodmappers.com/ ============================================ Map Packaged For DoD 3.1 beta By Houston DoD http://www.houstondod.com