*Day of Defeat* -=DoD_RoughLanding by Stikifinga=- *Glider and Crash Sequence by DanDaMan* Whether you like wide open spaces or street by street fighting, it's all here. Enjoy! Allies: En route to the Allied invasion landing zone your glider comes under attack by some heavy, unexpected flak. The pilot manages to crash land in a field but the glider is destroyed. Behind enemy lines, under equiped and far short of your unit, you must rally your troops and destroy the AA gun along with the enemy radio before the next wave of gliders meets with a similar fate. Task: Make your way across the field and try to find cover in the nearby town. From there, you must locate and destroy the Axis anti-aircraft emplacement as well as their radio which will be located inside their HQ. Only when this is done will subsequent waves of Allied gliders be safe. Axis: You are part of a key line for anti-aircraft defence. If the anti-aircraft emplacement falls then the allies will be able to move their forces in at will. Defend it, and the battalion radio at all cost! Thanks to: * DOD-Team * Paul Jolley aka PanzerGrenadier for the Kubelwagen prefab. * Binke aka Tony Holmsten for the Kubelwagen texture. * Jarrad Hicks aka Cobalt.60 for the 38t_heltzer texture. * Kevin Quang for the Plane prefab. * Carsten Schwartz for the Rstairs prefab. * Freddy Kruger for the Park Bench prefab. * DOD-forum regulars: DanDaMan, The Jeep, Slurm, Glidias, Capt_Swed, DaCoroner, Arcturus, Reiben and all the others who have given input and helped to solve the multitude of problems I've had completing this (my first) DoD map. Built with Worldcraft 3.3, Compiled with Zoner's 2.5.3, .WAD editor: Wally, compiled and tested on an AMD Athlon700. Comments and suggestions: Email cdbsg@yahoo.com.au ============================================ Map Packaged For DoD 3.1 beta By Houston DoD http://www.houstondod.com