DOD_SAVINGRYAN "Saving Private Ryan" Final Version ( ICQ:52155606 ) June 13th, 1944, Ramelle On June 13th, while scouting a nearby field, Henderson, Ryan and Private Toynbe destroyed a German halftrack that was part of a 2nd SS Panzer Division recon element. They were assisted by the unexpected presence of a squad of Rangers led by Captain John Miller. The Rangers were searching for Ryan, who was to be returned home because of the recent loss of all three of his brothers in combat. Ryan refused to abandon his fellow paratroopers, and Miller decided to take command and prepare the village for an expected German attack. American Objectives: - Capture the 6 flags German Objectives: - Capture the 6 flags Mapping, Sounds, Mapoverview & Idea: Green ICQ:52155606 fixings in final version: -edit flag positions (closer to axis spawn) -more axis spawn protection -churchtower breakable fixing in version b3: -bug on tiger tank -bug some walls special thx for finding mapbugs: Kaiser Karl IV F@tman Morphus Redbully Frau Holle Bmob Members of Christian Soldiers -USA- ***This Map is for my Wife Nicole***