*-*-*-*dod_sherman2_b5*-*-*-* by Travis a.k.a RaNd0M Travis@EXPESports.com http://www.EXPESports.com para_lecave,dod_lecave2,dod_sherman,dod_harbor *-*-*-*dod_sherman2_b5*-*-*-* Objectives: Allies - Capture the 5 control points and drive the axis out of town Axis - Capture the 5 control points and drive the allies out of town Scoring: Allied & Axis 1st flags 1 point every 15 seconds Allied & Axis 2nd flags 2 points every 15 seconds 3rd flag (Main Street) 3 points every 15 seconds *-*-*-*dod_sherman2_b5*-*-*-* Thanks To..... Darking,Demalex,derO,Pyrosleek,wabz,Snowman subz,maxlamer,[Stooge]Moe, sarge, thanks to Swordzkof for all the extra time and effort he spent helping me. thanks to all the people who took part in my 3am map tests :/. thanks to the texture artists for the awesome textures and the modelers :). Thanks to my cod clan (http://teamanomaly.net) for putting up with me talk about mapping all the time, much <3 guys. Special thanks to everyone who helped me ou on the Official Day Of Defeat forums - a great resource for mappers and dod'ers in general (http://www.dayofdefeat.net/forums/) Please notify me of any bugs you find! -enjoy