*Day Of Defeat* ==================== SINCITY beta 1.0(This is Still a Work in Progress) ==*Dedicated to my brother Randy Who Died March 31 2001*== Mapper: Sinpoet(******@******.***) -WMC RELEASE- We Make The Maps That Put You In The Movies Allies- You must capture the city from the determined Axis who are holding this city with what little they have left. Expect hardened resistance, as these troops have been cycled in from the Eastern front to combat the new allied threat. Axis- As you know, this is one of the last Axis-held cities on the line between France and the rest of our newly aqcuired Lebensraum. Therefore it should be a given that you have standing orders directly from the Fürher to not give up ANY ground. Hold this city at all costs! Special Thanks to: My WMC crew mates Dave@Volition Forgotten Heros Clan And All Those Who Helped With Comments and testing up to now Enjoy~ Sin & The WMC Crew