Map Packaged by Rgm137 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OPERATION: Schlachtet den Schneemann Axis Code Named - OPERATION: SLAUGHTER Snowmann ----------------------------------------------------------------- December 24th, 1943 (19:14:00) The Allies have intercepted a TOP SECRET dispatch sent from Goerbles to the SS that discloses, Operation: Schlachtet den Schneemann. Diese map ist bis auf ein paar veränderungen dod_kalt nachempfunden. Und ich widme diese map [Rgm137]Pvt.Orkolein der diese wundervolle Idee hatte. Anstatt capture the bridge heists auf dieser map capture the Snowmann. Allies: Capture the town and the Snowmann Axis: Defend the town by the Snowmann Big thanks to: The Crew At InvasionWorks for use of some of their models Lots of Textures From Kami's Platnium Pack. [RIC]Spinter for FTP/Testing Servers. SANTAWORX Crew: [Rgm137]Pvt.Dingeling: Mapper Dingeling: Map Objective(s) Designer