by 3D_Mike and mawibse -- K9 modified flag locations to work on 1.3 Steam engine -- Recomended minimum number of players are 8 Flags move slightly from round to round. Operation Market Garden. In one of the boldest plans of the Second World War the British General Montgomery devised a plan to take key bridges in the midst of enemy territory in Holland using the biggest air-landing operation in history, and to hold the bridges until British Tanks and infantry would come and use them as a wedge to punch a narrow way into the German Fatherland and end the war. On the 16th September 1944 a small group of British commandos landed on a beach near a strategically important airfield in Holland to make sure the German air force couldn't use one of their most dreaded machines of war on the soon to arrive British Tanks and infantry. What dreaded machine of war? The Junker Ju87, or as it is more commonly called; Stuka.