DoD_TEMPLE by Sebastian "Hawk" Hilmes ( June, 1942, Africa/Lybia (near the border to Egypt) 25th June 1942 A little group of german Afrikakorps-Scouts found 50 kilometres near of the egyptian border a secret egyptian Temple. A couple of days later.... Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel is ordered by the high command of the Axis to steal all precious objects from the temple, in order to transport them to Berlin. There is a very powerful diamond : The "Eye of the Pharao", a diamond which is surrounded by myths and rumours which claim that this beautiful diamond is cursed with demonical powers and magic. If Adolf Hitler is able to get his hands on this artifact, it is very possible that he could try to abuse its power in order to defeat his enemies! Allied Objectives: - Get the Pharaoeye and prevent the Axis from bringing it to Berlin! Axis Objectives: - Destroy the Cromwell tank who block the Exit of the Temple and escape with your comrades to the next airport under Axis control! Textures: Chad "Masako" Barnsdale, Svante "xerent" Ekholm, and Scott "Kamikazi!" Jordan, Temple textures: by Mr.Clean ( Models: DoD Team - modified by Hawk, Opel Blitz by flomatic, skin by Hawk Env Sky: Nick "Crinity" Coombe Overview: flomatic Thx to Phoenix visit