Lingevres, FRANCE 11th of June 1944 One week after the Allies landed on the Normandy coast they immediately began to push inland to increase their lodgments. There is some delay, on the German side, getting their reserves to the battle grounds. However by the 10th of June, units of the 151th Brigade, an Elite Wehrmacht unit, the Panzer Lehr Division, took up the defensive positions between La-Belle-Epine and Tilly-Sur-Seulles. The Panzer Lehr Division, one of the best equipped divisions of the Wehrmacht, fighting with the same tenacity as the Waffen SS units. The Commanding Officer of the 9th Durham Light Infantry -151 Brigade, 50th.Division- is ordered to take and hold the village of Lingevres by the 14th of June. This could in effect cut the German front line in half and out flank Tilly. Yesterday he sent out a fighting patrol forward to locate and discover the disposition and strength of the enemy holding the village. The sent out patrol ran smack into the well defended German position in the woods to the north of Lingevres. They suffered terrible casualties, two of the Shermans were 'Brewed Up' and 3 officers got killed, the Company Commander was wounded and returned. The area is still well defended by Panzer Grenadiers .. OBJECTIVES Both teams have to cap the flak position flag and hold it .. this flag makes the spawn points move, so never lose it, or you're lost. Find the grenades, mg's and ammo packs hiding on the map. Holding all control points will win the game. DESIGN by CK|RichardSteiner THANKS to KominAaa for his help on textures