Volonne ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story/mission: Allies: After taking St. Lo, the Allies must take the rural viallage Volonne before taking Cherbourg. The Allies are invading from the north and must secure all 5 capture points, the hardest of which will be inside a warehouse near the Axis stronghold. In response, the Axis have sealed the only Warehouse door. Axis: The Allies are invading, and if Volonne falls the Axis forces in Cherbourg and Paris will be vulnerable. Stop the Allied invasion at all costs. To slow down the Axis counter-attack, the Allies have protected their last control point with barbed wire. NOTES: There are 5 capture points in this map. THIS MAP IS UGLY! ENJOY YOUR EYES GETTING BURNED OUT! TNT Notes: The Axis warehouse can only be penetrated with Allied Satchels. The Allies radio station can only be penetrated with Axis TNT. There are 3 TNT secondary objectives for each side, however each side has many charges to help speed up gameplay.