-=dod_werft beta 1=- by Skam aka Morphew Story: The Germans have build a new bunker on the coast to produce a new type of special uboats in it. A spy got this information and send it to the coordinator of the allied forces. They started a invasion just as in omaha. Only a little bit smaller. Allies: You landed on the German coast. Your only way into bunker is the way where the boats get out of the bunker. Its very dangerous. But you are lucky. The Germans enabled redlight in the complex. So its very dark inside. Keep your head down while capturing the 4 Flags. Your secondary object is to get their HQ called Botschaft bombed. The Germans lost some TnT when they fell back after they saw you getting in. Axis: You've just noticed that the Allies landed on the coast. Such surprises did you first in the vicinity of the embassy withdrawn. From there tried their opponents zurueckzudraengen. Are all 4 flags of you conquered, you have won. Good luck people. Thanx goes to : Wadfather for some textures and the sky. Markus Schuetz (markusuetz) for general mapping tips and tank prefab, von Foelkersam for some genious ideas and everyone i forgot.. ;( Known Bugs: - playing the allies won sound when allies capture plaza - not mapped a landing boat yet - high r_speeds You found another Bug? Remember this is a beta! Please send detailed bug report to: Data.Surfer@gmx.de Mapped by: Skam aka Morphew --> Data.Surfer@gmx.de visit my current clanpage: www.sfg-clan.de release date: 07|31|2001 0:00 MEZ