Day of Defeat dod_wildwestV2 a map by (4THIDUSA) SSG H. Custom maps by ========================================= Allies You have chased these escaped pow's to this town near the border. What are you waiting for? Its high noon. ========================================= Axis You have escaped your pow camp and are heading for the border, the Texas sun is beating down on you, you stop to rest but not for long. ========================================= Credits Vavle-erc, Vavle hammer editor, Zoners, Merls custom build for zoners Textures from all over the place if I dont mention you email me I will change that but thanks to Kami and all other texture makers some from kami-platinum, vampire slayer, desert crisis, xerent, sponge, avalanche and some others I cant remember now Sky Map by Nick Coombe (Crinity), 2000 ========================================= As always any problems or suggestions for improvement etc.. email me at or ========================================= V1 fix's, jail door now open, rebuild building by church, add awning and porch by bar. V2 added new area, changed spawn interface, moved flag, fixed candles in church and house =========================================== Map Packaged For DoD 1.0 By Houston DoD