-=dod_wimbern_v1=-Map made by [Rgm137]Pvt.Dingeling Small town district with many sniper points and others. 5 flags must be conquered speciale tahnks to: [iNw] H & K S.Gautreaux (www.invasionworks.com) and the other people. also have fun and good score Made by [Rgm137] Pvt.Dingeling for rgm137 :) HAVE FUN!!! : D -=dod_wimbern_v1=-Map made by [Rgm137]Pvt.Dingeling Kleines Stadtviertel mit vielen sniper points und anderen verstecken. 5 Fahnen gilt es zu erobern speciale tahnks to :[iNw] H&K S.Gautreaux (www.invasionworks.com) and the other people. also have fun and good score Made by [Rgm137]Pvt.Dingeling for rgm137 :) HAVE FUN!!! :D