dod_zafod2 Reproduced ;) by Martin 'Martee' Warren (

With the first assault on Zafod a failure the Allies regroup 
and try to take the strategic location again. This time with
the grim weather conditions also weighing against them.

Allies Objectives:
   - Capture the 5 flag points

Axis Objectives: 
   - Capture the 5 flag points

Thanks to Mr Zaphod himself for allowing me to screw up his
amazing map, I love you dude! *hugs*

Big thanks to Lerfooled and Jeff Mason for help with design ideas
More thanks to Lerfooled for the overview :P

Thanks to the F.U.N. community
THanks to the sunlit gaming community


Additional thanks:
To Bradley for the support of calling me a fag
for the whole time I was making the map...

Grace said she would sit on my face if I mentioned her so here she is
P.S. Now will you sit on my face?