*Day Of Defeat* ============================================ para_munition ============================================ by Ronny (Snut) Klöber, fixed by Livewire for DoD 1.3 ============================================ History: The german Waffen-SS had storm this small town and went on. They left ammo boxes for a german rearguard. But some GIs escaped. The Germans think now, the US-Army will send a trupp to defend the ammo. The german Luftwaffe drop some Fallschirmjäger near the town to save the ammo. Allied Objectives: Defend the ammo in the Villa and in the Church. Axis Objectives: Capture the ammo in the Villa or in the Chruch. SPECIAL THANK TO: Mikezilla for this horny textures OtherTexures: Hedgerow (i dont know the name) Mapped by: Ronny (Snut) Klöber New Models: Opel Blitz (textures by kamikazi [i think]), Lights, Ben, Pott, Tree, Candle Bugs: - i dont know Email: -sntus@web.de Puhhh English is so hard. ;)