Succellos, PLEASE READ Topic locked 6 posts • Page 1 of 1 Succellos, PLEASE READ PostAuthor: {HK}Mitz » Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:36 pm The following is a message from the MPs ============================== Succellos, We have received a second report of conduct unbecoming a member of Hell's Kitchen. The incident in question was recorded by a senior command member on the Hell's Kitchen server on 12/27. The incident was reported as follows: Succellos and Abel engaged in a discussion over mic regarding TKs. The logs show that Succellos TKed Abel three times. It was also reported that no apology was issued from Succellos to Abel. Regardless of whether a TK is intentional, our sever rules state that an apology must be made for it. This applies to EVERYONE playing on the server. It should go without saying that you should be holding yourself to the highest of standards on our server and conducting yourself in a manner befitting the tags that you wear. You are a member of Hell's Kitchen and an administrator on our server, and you need to be setting the example. I suspect that Abel's membership in EVIL played a part in your unwillingness to apologize. Allow me to state this very clearly for you: ALL players on our server are our guests. Your dislike for an organization DOES NOT give you license to act any differently than you agreed to upon donning your tags. Each player on our server will be shown the same hospitality, regardless of affiliation. Since this is the second incident of conduct unbecoming, you are hereby placed on probation. The probationary period will continue until such time as the MPs have decided that we can depend on your behavior to be consistent with that expected of an HK member. Any further incidents during this time will result in your immediate expulsion. If you are doubtful that you can maintain this level of behavior in spite of your personal feelings towards EVIL, then you may wish to reconsider your membership in Hell's Kitchen. Please reply to indicate you have read the preceding note. PostAuthor: {HK}Succellos » Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:17 pm I have read it. It seems unusual to me that I would be punished for dealing with members of EVIL in a manner consistent with how they have treated me. I was banned twice from that server without warning, reason, and without any course of action available to address the issue. Yet, you want to extend to them a courtesy they are unlikely to extend to any member of HK. Members of this clan can be treated with hostility by another organization, and your solution is to welcome the members of that organization as guests; and worse to punish members of HK who actually take offense to their presence on the HK server. I did not deliberately tk Abel, and my initial reaction was to apologize which I did. . However, after realizing who it was I simply made it a point to explain that I really wasn't sorry for it. Tell whoever made the report to try paying attention I suggest not oversimplifying these issues. The members of EVIL know that I have no tolerance for any of them. It wouldn't surprise me if Abel's only reason for joining the game last night was to start something. PostAuthor: {HK}3M » Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:33 am Hello all. Succellos you can take all the offense you wish and personally dislike anyone, fact remains everyone is still bound by the rules of the server, period. We are all held to specific standards as described and expounded upon in the Forums. If a certain clan bothers you, don't play on their server. If they play on our server and cause problems notify the MPs. Honest apologies are offered for TKs on the server. PostAuthor: {HK}Succellos » Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:36 am I am equally amused and disgusted by this decision, and the apparent lack of thoughtfulness under which this command operates. On the one hand you are telling me that if a clan organization and it's members mistreat members of HK, that it only affects that individual member and that individual can expect no backing/involvement by HK command. Yet, if that individual member becomes defensive on his/her own behalf that then reflects upon HK resulting in disciplinary action. Either solidarity exists or it doesn't. You can't both take from an individual, as a condition of membership, the ability to defend oneself against abuse, and then not take action on the behalf of that member when abuse occurs. PostAuthor: {HK}3M » Wed Dec 31, 2014 2:30 pm Sorry you feel that way. I checked the Forums but I have not been able to find a post about abuse you have suffered, on our server, from the EVIL clan. If they say or do something, on our server, please post it and we will take care of it. PostAuthor: {HK}Mitz » Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:08 am Succellos, The general consensus is that EVIL has done HK no wrong and warrants no action to correct. We have several members who play on the EVIL server regularly without issue. Even if you have been wronged in some way that is capricious, that does not give you license to use Hell's Kitchen or its server as a medium for retribution. We are not here to serve at your whim for undocumented troubles. If you would like to provide some documentation of an incident in which you were wronged by EVIL while you have been a member of Hell's Kitchen, I will investigate it myself. Until such time as you can produce said proof, you will not insult, belittle, or otherwise disparage the work that the MPs and Command do having to deal with what appears to be petty, childish nonsense. I guarantee you that a great deal of thought goes into handling situations like these. If it didn't, then I would have already stripped you of your tags and saved myself the trouble. This topic is now closed to further discussion. You may deliver your evidence of wrong-doing to me, Fergie, or bs2o via private message.